About MMDVM_HS hotspot

Why have this unit?
Unlike any other device this is "hand made".  Skilled individuals custom make to your requirements with quality standard as a priority.


Product and Price Comparison :

Product and Price comparison (not disparage) DVMega €90 - Zumspot Pi $100 (€85.30) - MMDVM_HS_Hat €60 - What do you recommend ?
 ** Every device is well built.

13% - Zumspot Pi
67% - MMDVM_HS_Hat
09% - DVMega
11% - Other

I felt so stupid because I did not understand the differences, configurations and setup,  so because I was an early adopter to this product I could not find a lot available to read.

Disscussion Groups :

Not the Official website

Please contact the owners : Support, Question, Ordering !!!
If you are interested in buying the original please contact the owners via mail: mmdvm@df2et.de

Created by :    via email: mmdvm@df2et.de

- Flo   Flo (DF2ET)  - Twitter @flo_0_
- Mathis Schmieder DB9MAT  - Twitter @DB9MAT

How to Identify a Genuine MMDVM HS Hat by florian Wolters.  